Passive Income ¨Ponzi Picking¨

We are not going to promise you to stake your NFT and earn dream money every day, this never ends well, it ends in a constant necessity of more new money flowing in than existing investors cashing out. Regardless of the strength and size of the ¨Passive income¨Scheme, they are never secure Some of the largest (OHM, Time, Strongblock etc) all made early uses substantial gains but over time diminished. From entering hundreds of passive projects, we have spotted some fundamentals to search for in a solid passive income project. Rule number One is being on board early! We understand the thought of these protocols for some can be scary, but we need to sit back and realise most of life and certainly crypto runs in a similar manor. We are NOT building a Ponzi scheme there will be no staking of the GEN-0 NFT, however we will have a dedicated mission in constantly maintaining the search for new and existing passive income projects. The term ponzi can come under a wide range within; DEFI, node, p2e and more, we will find the newest and best opportunities to share with our exclusive group. In this section, we will source and research the latest and newest passive income projects, the market is currently in a transition so we will wait for the next new rising opportunities and go in deep, we have seen the space move from staking, defi, ROI, Rebase, Nodes and many other contracts which are built into these schemes. There could some new ones of these come to life and have potential but its likely a new wave of market hype will come, which is where we will be ready.

PASSIVE INCOME WILL HOWEVER FLOW TO GEN-0 HOLDERS!..Organically. We have multiple projects & plans in place & everything we do with the Nodeopoly name will always come to benefit our Genesis 0 holders. Three currently scheduled projects which will provide a future passive income to Genesis-0 holders along with others which are inevitable to arise along the way.

*Aug 22 Update** First Ponzi Picking sceme will be posted in depth with this book accessible to Holders only VIA Discord.

Last updated